Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

Christmas was here and gone and it was a day with family and what a great day it was. Santa was good to the this year and nana always overdoes it but they love every thing from clothes to toys. The were up so early and excited and as the day passed lil money descided she was gonna just stand up and WALK. That she did quite a few times but we are not 100% that will come in time. I am Thankful that kids are healthy and Jeremy is doing better.
I do want to mention that Miracles do happen and my best friends lil Boy Ben was in the hospital and when things did not look like he was gonna make it home for Christmas god's plan changed and at noon on Christmas eve he was released and spent it athome with Angie and Bill and his brothers and sisters, I am so happy for them and for Ben to be doing so much better and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pray for Ben.

Here is my lil buddy ben. Right now he should be home waiting for Santa and snuggling w/ mom and dad but right now he is in the hospital fighting RSV and pneumonia and needs some prayers. We miss him bunches and wish we could be there w/ him and Angie and Bill but for now our prayers and others will be the greatest gift. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that he too will be home with his family for the Holidays.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ciera w/ a Time Bandit

Sitting on the Gieco Race boat today was a Famly Favorite
Johnathon and Scott form Deadliest Catch.

Daddy and Ciera w/ Autographs and so proud.

I knew I knew who that was and when I saw his shirt on the back I was certain!
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Thursday, December 10, 2009


Anyone use it? Well you should all try it you can earn points and those points can earn you all kinds of things Gift cards giveaway entries and many more so check it out and search my sidebar!

Shutterfly updated pics

Just did an update to my shutterfly account where you can see even more pics of the girls.

Rosen Center Orlando aka sick weekend

This was the day we got there she was so sick but she wanted to go see Sissy.

Bed time she face was so chapped bc she kept a wash cloth w/ her bc of her nose was running, I tried w/ tissue but she
was not having it.


My Big girl.

This was a sick weekend for the 2 lil girls but they held up like troopers.
But next trip to Orlando will be MOMMY AND DADDY TIME for sure!
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Thanks giving photos@ park!

WE tried to a mini photo shoot for the holiday cards but it did not turn our as good as we had planned but we did get a few pics. Ciera was great, Kylie was not feeling good at all and alyssa was so tired. And it turned out that I had to take the 2 lil ones to the Dr and they both had ear infections so they were not happy at all. Not to mention this was the day b4 our Orlando trip for Ciera.
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Regional Competetion Orlando

Here are a few pics of Ciera b4 her Cheerleading Competetion in Orlando Thanksgiving weekend. The girls did a GREAT job and we are so proud of her and all the girls.
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Miss Hap w/ me deleting

I was trying to do a few new things and ended up deleting some things so we are starting over and I am not very happy sazbout this but I will try fix it today but so much to do so little time.