Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hook Line and Sinker...

No I am not talking about fishing, sorry folks I know you all want to know what fish are bitting these days, just kidding.  No I am talking about being sucked into something that you feel now is consuming all your time?  For me it is FACEBOOK.  I feel like I am always on it but I guess it is because I am at my work computer for 10 hrs 4 days a week and what else is there to do?  This is why I have turned to blogging and other things and this week I am trying my hardest to stay away because I am trying to finish my book and I am well on my way 200 pages down and 300 to go so we will see but I am hoping I will make it. 

Does anyone else feel sucked in to something besides that I know that I have a few other things that I could stand to let loose from on occasion such as the kids  and there are just so many TV shows that I watch because the story lines are so good you just get sucked into it for example... Lost, Grey's, Gossip Girl, Vampire Diaries and the list goes on.  Jeremy says that is all I do is watch TV, I guess it is just in my genes because see my mom is a Lifetime fanatic that is all she watches and it is so funny because every time we go over she always has it on and dad says she has only see that movie 3 times but we have to watch it again.

I tend to keep the kids close and sometimes too close that is why they are close to me in the sense. 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Not me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
This was kind of a quite week but when it comes to laundry I did NOT just leave it there hoping it would do itself, nope. Also remember when I said I went to the consignment sale this weekend well I had added some of my kids stuff and when my sister went there this weekend she picked up a pair of shorts of Ky's and not tell her, nope NOT me! And it was NOT me that told my oldest daughter that she could should go to Grandmas house this weekend so I would not have to hear her and her sister having a tift, Not me.

I am sure next week will be a good NOT me Monday because it's spring break week and Easter weekend!

Twilight, New Moon Saga

How may have you hopped on the band wagon for the Twilight Saga?  I know alot of those who have and I am one of them but here is my catch... I will not watch Twilight movies or New Moon until I have read the book so my goal other than my normal daily activities this week is to read my book and finish Twlight at the very least and then watch the movie because my daughter is wanting to watch New Moon.  Little does she know the Easter bunny just may leave it for her this weekend.  Right now Amazon has a GREAT deal check it out.

long weekend lets recap...

I know I have kida blown  my 30 day Challenge but I am doing weekly but the weekends are what is giving me the hardest time because see during the week I sit in front of my computer for 10 hours straight working so I have  time to blog surf the web and among other things but come Friday and through the weekend I am off and my kids are wanting to go go and go some more.  So it leaves me out of the house alot and when I do get home it is bathtime and bed for the whole family.  I apologise and there are some days that I challenge myself to think of something to blog about that is interesting and to keep you as readers coming back. 
Lets give you a breif overview of my weekend with the kids:

Friday was gloomy out so we descided to go to JBTF Sale of North palm beach and found some great Bargains for the kids.  My sister descided to tag along with the kids and I and my mother in law down to Chick-fil-a for lunch.  I had never actually ate inside so that was a treat for the kids to play in the indoor play area and for me to try their Spicy Chicken Sandwich that they were testing in Palm beach and Martin county this past week.  I think it was great by the way but I like spicy food now if my husband would have tried it he would have said it was too spicy so it is all about what you like.
Then that evening it was off to a Birthday party with family and friends.  Happy 8th Birthday Julia thanks for having us we had a great time.

Saturday was a boring day but beautiful outside so we took the kids out and that was our day.

Sunday was supposed to be nice but NOT.  I really wanted to take the beach but that did not happen maybe this weekend, that would be a nice easter treat for them.  Just had dinner with family and a lazy day.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Not buying new?

How many of you out there think that you could go a week, a month, or a whole year without buying NEW?  Now we are talking about new clothes, new toys, new household furniture, cars, non necessitiues?  I am what you would call a frugal or thrifty shopper or so my friend says but my friend also says my father is Cheap.  There is a difference.  Could you do this?  Now I am not talking about not buying groceries or household items such as cleaning supplies or toiletries new because we all need that stuff but all that other stuff that you think you have to have new could you buy used instead?

I think I could do it just because that is  how I am and right now living on 1 paycheck I could.  Jeremy is pretty good about stuff like this so I am sure he could too.  Now my sister forget it she could not do it for a week let alone a few days but that is just how she is and always has been.  My question would be does going to Starbucks count, nah.  That is something I could not live with out is Starbucks atleast once a week. 

So I challenge you to see how long you could go with out BUYING NEW.  Start small and see how far you can go.,  There are so many other ways of getting clothes, toys, furniture, cars ( if you save and need one), appliances, and many more items and not having to pay full price.

There are consignment sales such as the one I have entered Just Between Friends Sale.  Check out their sight they have spring/summer and fall/winter sales in all areas of the United States and it is easy as 1, 2, 3.   What about thrift stores or Goodwill and also if you are a Saturday morning person who likes to get out and go what about yard sales.  i personally love yard sale especially for kids thingss for them and for ebay you can find great deals and sometimes can turn a profit in the process. 

So go ahead and try it and you know what, this maybe my next challenge becasue right now I am working on my 30 Days of Blogging and I know I have missed a few but I am catching up with double post and so forth and I am having fun doing it and that is all that matters.

Let me know if you too have a challenge you would like to share and  how you are doing at it and if my blog has changed your way of thinking on some things.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Budget & Couponing

Let talk BUDGET I know this is a hard topic these days for some trying to stay on budget and then what happens when you go over the budget?  There are Grocery budgets, take out or any kind of fast food that you may allow yourself for a week month budgets, and anything else you want to budget.  What ever it may be can you stick to that budget and how do you do that and does it work for you or do you have the ability to just go and spend what you want and just look the other way when it comes to spending weather it be groceries, clothes, or anything?

I unfortunatly have to live on a budget and I am trying hard to stick to and I know it could use some redefining.  I use coupons and I do the CVS and sometimes the Walgreens deals but those can get confusing for some.  I shop and Publix and count on Fiddledeedee for the great pairing of Publix update and copuon match ups for the weekly sales.  I get coupons from the paper and the internet but I hear you can trade coupons too but I have not tried that yet and I have bought coupons off Ebay, so there are many ways to save.  My couponing method is by no means a science I have a zip lock and all of them go in there and when I go to the store I make a list and sort coupons to sale or coupons for what I normally buy.  Some trips are good and some trips are not so good but I am having to do all I can these days.  What I am gonna try and do is to start posting my grocery and CVS and Walgreens trips here and show my savings and see what we can do in this day and ecomony for savings. 

If anyone has any savings tips let me know because I am still learning and my goal would be to go to the store and save more than I spend!  I have done it 1 time but that was a very very small trip and I can't count that one so we are starting fresh. 

Have a great week of shopping and hope everyone is saving!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday's post just a little late...CVS

CVS was great this week the diaper deal was a must and I was ready.  I had $11 ECB and 2 of the $2 off pampers coupons and and email for $4 off a $20 purchase so I was set.  I ended up leaving CVS paying $1.45.
2 Diapers and 1 Sunday paper ($2) for 1.45 and with $6 ecb in hand.  I was jumping for joy now what do do with all those huggies coupons?

Walgeens has a good deal to use those coupons "When you buy 3 or more in  Huggies products (diapers jumbo pull-ups or goodnights @ $8.99 and /or large package of wipes @ 5.99) you get $5.00 register rewards for your next purchase.
Senerio:  3 Huggies Diapers @8.99 x 3=26.97-3/$3coupons = 17.97and your RR of $5 is like spending 12.97 plus tax on 3 packages of Huggies  (Roughly $4.32 a pack  GREAT stockpile deal).

Or we could wait til next week at CVS and use the ECB from this week when they will have Huggies on sale for 2/$18 and 5 ECB.  Thanks to Baby Cheapskate and her Top Diaper Deal Preview!  You make that choice and let me know what you descide and if you have an senerieos let me know I would love to hear about them.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Not 1, Not 2 BUT 3 Huggies $3 off coupons

These are high value coupons that everyone needs to get b4 they are gone and they will go quick and can easilly be paired with a great sale and I know Target has a huggies printable coupon for $1.50 and with a $3.00 off that is $4.50 off either a box or jumpbo pack makes for a great time to stockpile.  Check out these sights.
Huggies Little Movers
More Huggies
Now become a fan on Facebook Huggies and click the link in the title More Huggies!

This is a great deal on Huggies Diapers and I hope everyone is able to use them to the fullest.  I would also like to Thank Freebies 4 Mom and Money saving Mom for letting me aware of these deals so that I can give these to you, because I know I can sure use these coupons along with my prevouis post for the CVS deal that starts tomorrow for Pampers.

Missing Thrusday & Friday post

Saturday March 18, 2000..... to today Thursday March 18, 2010
10 years ago on this day My husband and I were Married on the beach overlooking the inlet.  IT was a rainy day but we had a great time together.  Fast forward to the year 2010  3 kids later and 10 years later here we are.  My husband and I have been through the good the bad and ugly at some pont in these past 10 years but we are here together raising out 3 Princesses. 

As for Friday were actually went out to dinner without the kids together with Friends and my sister's family.  Dinner was good but we looked at each other after dinner and said what next ?  It has been so long since we have been out together without them we did not know what to do with ourselves funny right, well wanna know where we went to walmart and for desert.  I know right what a crazy night we had.  But u know what we know we have to do this more often to get our together time and we will it will be just trying to get the kids to be with either my mom or grandma will be the challenge.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Up Coming Deal on Pampers at CVS 3/21

As I was reading through all the blogs that I read on Facebook and through email I came across a really great one.  Deel Seeking MOm posted that come Sunday March 21st CVS will have Pampers Diapers on sale for $8.97 a jumbo pack and you will get 3 ECB back.  So it is like you are getting these packages for $5.97 BUT if you have coupons from last weeks paper inserts you can take another $2 off each pack to make this a really great deal.
2 Pampers Diapers @ 8.97
                   Coupons -4.00
                          ECB - 6.00
   This is getting them for $3.98 a pack.  This is a GREAT deal and even with out the ECB back this is still a stock pile oppurtunity with the price minus coupons.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Smoothie Tuesday

Who hates to pay high prices for those wonderful smoothies that you just love from the Smoothie shops? I am one of those people that has paid the price but no longer. I have got myself a blender and all kinds of fruit, Organic fruit when on sale and made some good mixes. Have you ever tired to do this yourself?
I have tried some great ones and my kids love ...

Strawberry Banana with Yogurt or Soy Milk
1-2 cups of Strawberries
1-2 Banana's (depends on how much u want to make)
1/2 cup yogurt or Soy milk
Honey for sweetener
Flax seed for daily Fiber (Optional)

Now my husband loves PEANUT BUTTER & BANANA
2-3 TBS Peanut Butter
2 Banana's
Soy Milk
I also add Honey and Flax Seed but this is optional.

These are great sources of Fruit, Fiber and Protein. I also like to mix them up a little bit and add different fruits such as pineapple, mango's and blueberries.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Not me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

What did I not do this week? I surly did not feed the kids PB & J for breakfast because that is what they wanted and I was just not in the mood to cook, no not me. I did not like the kids run naked in the sprinkler in the back patio yesterday because it was such a Sunny day, that would just be so bad.

I also did not just sit and let the laundry pile up and then finally do the laundry and throw it on the couch and when my mother in law came over she asked do you want me to fold these and I told her if she wanted to to go ahead, NOT me!

Day 5 and Day 6

Lets just say we got a little off track with blogging and the kids just took up all my time this weekend. The weather was great and warm but not too warm but just right for everyone to be outside playing and soaking up the sunshine.

Saturday we had to go to Jeremy's moms and help her with a few things and tried to have a yard sale. We did OK just needed to be out a little bit earlier but still the kids helped and had a good time. We helped with cleaning out some things for and the kids played, we had a nice day and the girls were so tired when we got home.

Sunday was a lazy day in the Sunshine. The girls played in the back with the sprinkler and water table and had a blast. I on the other hand soaked up all the rays I could because summer is coming and I just plain out need the color. Of course this was all in between my mom duties like laundry dishes lunch and dinner.

And today is back to the work grind. Oh how I love Monday's aren't they grand? I will have another post up later today with a little bit more about my family.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 4 Rain Rain Go away

Well today was a day of rain and more rain all night all day and what to do in the rain? Me I would snuggle up with the kids and watch a movie but none of that today. Alyssa had her 18 m check up and she is growing like a little weed 24 lbs 9oz and 33 1/2 in. Such a big girl my baby is not so much of a baby any more but I guess they can not stay lil forever.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 3

Go to my EBAY sight

I have a 3rd job I would say and that is EBAY. I try to keep up between my first job of being a mom and wife and second to the Paying job and 3rd ebay. I have put ebay on the back burner for a little while but I am needing to get back into it and now is the time. I had a little bit of peace and quiet in the house today and that is what I did.
I just wanted to let everyone who does not now me that I do have a ebay store and I sell kids women and some mens clothes and odds and ends at great prices. If you would like to check back tomorrow the items I prepped today will be up tomorrow.

Any of you out there trying to make extra money in these tough times? Ebay is a great bay and being a member of Here Comes the Stork is great to.

Stay tuned tomorrow for a little insight into our family and bare with me I am still trying out new things for "click able links and etc".

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


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Kraft First Taste Possiably FREE Cream Cheese minis

Are any of you a member of Kraft First Taste? I am and every month they have a new sample to try or you can get a coupon for a free item or sometimes they give coupons for $1/1 item.

Try it and sign up at http://www.kraftfirsttaste.com/ This is a great sight and if you are not a member you should sign up or check it out.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My blogging CHALLENGE...

I am challenging myself to Blog Everyday for 30 Days to see if I can do it and maybe grow some readers. Maybe my current readers will pass along my blog to others and so on and we will see where that leads us.

I am gonna try and blog about deals that I am getting at CVS and Publix which is where I mainly shop and go from there.

We also are trying new vitamin supplements on my oldest daughter thanks to Kim. I will share how that is going and our process.

I starting today and we will say this is going to be my FIRST post but I may blog about our weekend and go from there and then I will share a little bit about our family and how this blog is coming about and a little bit more about me and I am also going to try and follow other bloggers leads like MckMama http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ and her "Not Me Monday" and "Wordless Wednesday" and many others.

Everyone check back and tell everyone to take a look around and try swagbucks and HCTS.