Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our Organic ways so far

As I have said in prevouis post our family is transission to an organic lifestyle with no processed foods.  I just wanted to update what we have changed and are in the process of changing.  We no longer buy regular milk we not buy Organic Fat Free milk and Soy milk.  There is a reason that I went cold turkey on the milk but I will save that for another post later this week. We buy more Veggies and I disquise them in sauces or whatever I cna for them and we have reduced the amount of meet we eat to maybe 2-3 times a week and I try to stock up on the Organic Chicken when on sale but here in Florida it is hard to find a sale on organic meat but we are managing.  We have switched to all natural peanut butter and buying buying Organic fruits and veggies according to the Dirty Dozen according to

We or I should say I am learning to look more at labels as to what is the food that I do buy that are prepackaged such as bread and the yogart that my daughters love.  I tend to by the Stoneyfield Farms organic yogarts and mix them in smoothies which my kids love and the probiotic vanilla for my youngest.

These are just a few ways we are changing our eating habits and I will going more into the WHY when I post about our transformation to Organic milk later in the week. So check back then.

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