Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A big descision...

I have made a big descision that is going to effect my life, my family, and free time, whats that?  I have descided to go back to school.  I'm going to be taking online classes through Saint Leo University starting as soon as my financial aid is approved.  So that means either May or July.I am very excited for myself and it is something I have wanted to do for a long time and just finally said I was going to do it.  I have  not been in school since I went to PBCC in 2003, I know it has been a very long time and this is totally different then actually going to class but I need to do this for my family and for myself.  I feel that the job I have not is not going to be a life long career unless it is something that I can turn over and pull something out of it and it be mine.

The class terms are 8 weeks with homework due on Fridays and I am going to start out with 1 class and go from there and they consider 2 classes full time.  I am excioted and scared at the same time but it will be well worth it for sure.  I will keep everyone posted on when I start and how it is going so stay tuned,

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